
Bleach OC: Mikon Uyauyashii

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Name: Mikon Uyauyashii

Age: 692 ( Appears to be in her late teens )

Sex: Female

Species: Shinigami

Alliance: 1st Division Captain-Commander

Appearance: The first thing that you would notice about Captain-Commander Mikon Uyauyashii is that she is very young for a captain-commander, this is only because she has recently inherited the title from her late father. Mikon stands at around 5 foot four and has a rather evened out body structure. Another thing that is noticeable right away is her wild hairstyle that appears to some sort of layered mohawk. The mohawk is not that tall but is rather medium in length and is not spikes straight up but is rather flat. From a top view of the mohawk it looks almost like a double-edged sword. The mokawk also does not continue down the back of her head but instead stays on the top of her head. The mohawk does trail to the front of her head though and seems to stop about at the bend of her nose and trails off of her face about two inches. The actual mohawk part of her hair is dyed a medium purple and totally hides her natural color. The sides of her hair is not shaves but just trimmed into layers as well. The sides of Mikon's hair trails well past the front of her ears while the rest is neatly cut into layers and does not go past her ears. The sides of her hair also completely hide her natural color as well being dyed many different colors in a strip pattern in a horizontal fashion that trails all the way from ear to the other. The first strip, which is closest to the mohawk, is a deep green, followed by another strip being a a medium blue, followed by another strip being a rather bright red, followed by another strip being a golden yellow, and a last strip being a snow white color. Mikon's abnormal red eyes are also something that you might notice right away. Mikon also has a total of eight piercings which are quiet interesting. The first piercings Mikon has are large thin rectangle shaped ones that are about half and inch wide and three inches long and are made of gold that is on both ears. Behind these piercing are two jeweled studs that are made from different jewels. Both of Mikon's last piercings are in er upper ear that are both just regular silver stud piercings. Mikon also wears two silver necklaces one having a half moon figure and the other having a sun figure on it.

Being the Captain-Commander of the current Gotei 13 Mikon wears the traditional haori of her class but is not allowed to make any modifications to it whatsoever. As much as Mikon has wanted to alter the outer look of her captain's haori she is not allowed to and has worked her hardest to try and change that tradition but has failed countless times since she has become the Captain-Commander. Though Mikon was not able to alter the actual captain's haori, she has altered the shinigami uniform. Mikon has not altered anything to the top of the shinigami uniform but instead has altered the pants to the uniform as well wears something besides the traditional foot wear. Mikon has altered her shinigami uniform's pants to the point to where they are more like skinny jeans meaning the pant legs being tight. Instead of wearing the foot wear of the shinigami uniform Mikon instead wears tall slick white boots that have thin black lines running up and down them. Mikon's zanpakuto is a rare kind of zanpakuto in two ways being it is not sealed meaning it is always released into its shikai state and the shikai state is actually alive. Mikon has actually took the liberty to fitting a captain's haori for her shikai state but has given it a shinigami uniform.

Personality: Captain-Commander Mikon Uyauyashii daughter to the recently killed Captain-Commander has recently taken over this title and has taken great interest into it. Mikon was always considered a "Wild Child", mainly due to the actions she would take in almost any kind of situation. She was and still is such a wild shinigami though she always knew when it was time to get serious and is a very respected person among the Soul Society. Mikon is very compatible with all of the current captains serving under her Command but few had their doubts about her at first. The short time Mikon has been the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 she has made no mistakes in her commands and whatever her commands have been she has had no objections whatsoever. Captain-Commander Mikon is considered a natural born leader and carries both the title of Captain-Commander as well as the tile of "Natural Born Leader", with much pride. Though Mikon's father was recently killed she shows very little signs of grieving or sorrow which most that it is mainly due to her always happy attitude and the constant smile she has on her face. Deep down inside Mikon does miss her father but she knows being the youngest Captain-Commander in the history of the Soul Society she cannot show any kind of weakness or there might be shinigami who might want to take her position. Even though she has recently had all sorts of new responsibilities just dumped on her she has not shown even the slightest sign of stress or wanting to just give up on her duties only because of the strong father she had and how she was raised.

Abilities: Captain-Commander Mikon Uyauyashii does of course exceed the rank of captain in all areas of combat accept in Hakuda. Mikon has been trained ever since she was able to walk in order to take her father's position if anything were to ever happen to him before his required retirement. Mikon is a master of Zanjutsu, kido, and even zanjutsu but has not mastered Hakuda in any form. It was only due to Mikon massive amount of spiritual pressure that she was able to achieve the rank of Captain-Commander at such a young age. Being the Captain-Commander, Mikon has mastered all forms of kido and has even mastered a little medical kido through the years. Being a master of kido Mikon has mastered all kido even forbidden techniques and is able to use kido up to the 90s without an incantation. Even though Mikon's zanpakuto is always released she does keep a katana strapped to her just in case and is a great master of zanjutsu. Zanjutsu was the first thing Mikon was trained in which it also being her strongest skill. Mikon's zanjutsu abilities even outclass that of the Kenpachi's which she finds very disgraceful to her title. Mikon's Hoho abilities are also extremely well being that she has mastered each technique completely and has little flaw to her technique of utilizing these techniques to her advantage. Though Mikon has almost completely mastered all other forms of fighting she has not mastered Hakuda which is an area she desperately lacks in. Once Mikon noticed the hand-to-hand combat abilities of her shikai state she ruled out that she wouldn't have to master that area of fighting.

Being the Captain-Commander, Mikon of course has a massive amount of spiritual pressure inside of her and is able to use the massive amount to crush opponents under its massive weight. Mikon's spiritual pressure is so massive that if she were to release it all at once it would completely crush anyone under the rank of captain, and even captain level opponents would have to try and hold their ground against her. Mikon's outer appearance is what makes most opponents underestimate her but once she releases her spiritual pressure the opponent with immediately know what they are up against. Mikon's spiritual pressure can act as a massive wall to block attacks if they come from a opponent under captain class. With her massive amount of spiritual pressure, Mikon has obtained a technique that was only known to her father. Mikon is able to focus her spiritual pressure around her body and then release it into a push-like attack that affects whoever she was facing. This push is so strong that it can send an opponent flying many miles at high speeds and sometimes can crush weaker opponents. Mikon is not known to use this technique much mainly because she has not fully mastered it yet and it consumes a massive amount of spiritual pressure.

Zanpakuto: Ribinguasukuu Eikingu ( Quaking Living Earth ) Mikon's zanpakuto is in a constant released state, meaning it is not sealed in any form of weapon. The blade is always in its shikai state. Though Mikon's zanpakuto is always released she still does carry a katana with her that has a light green handle and a circular cross-guard with no special features.

Zanpakuto Spirit: Captain-Commander Mikon's inner world greatly expresses both sides of her personality. When you first enter Mikon's inner world all there is, is a flat piece of land that has countless rocks and boulders on it. It is only after you have wandered the inner world for about ten minutes is when you will see what the countless rocks and boulders actually do. Each rock and boulder suddenly start flashing with wild and crazy colors which can confuse most visitors. The colors flash from anywhere between blue, light blue, green, neon green, light green, white, black, gold, yellow, neon yellow, red, light red, neon red, purple, neon purple, orange, and neon orange. These colors are enough to send anyone prone to seizures into one which is why anyone that enters her inner world is warned about this particular feature. About five minutes into the crazy rapid flashing metal tubes with emerge from the grounds of the inner world which then send another tube directly above it. Every tube now faces another tube and then start sending a light to the other tube that never stops until you leave the inner world. The lights that connect the tubes start to flash various colors as well but they only flash neon colors and nothing else. The inner world is now a crazy colorful light show that can amaze and confuse most anyone who enters the inner world. If you are somehow able to find your way to the center of the inner world through all the lights you will find a grey box about fifty feet tall and fifty feet wide. The box is completely unaffected by the lights and does not reflect any of them whatsoever. The box is made from a special material that is also liquid-like that you can pass through and be quiet amazed on whats on the other side. Inside the box is a calm and quiet stone garden with a few trees sprouting from the rocks as well as a small pond in the left corner that has a small and beautiful waterfall feeding it. In the center of the room is a mat that is very soft and a deep purple color where the spirit meditates. The room completely drowns out the light on the other side of its walls making is a perfect place to meditate.

Ribinguasukuu Eikingu takes the form of a young man that appears to be in his early thirties. The man's hair is a deep green that almost looks black and is tied up in a rather short pony tail tied by a purple band. He wears a shinigami uniform as well as a captain's haori which surprises most visitors that meet him. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu wears the haori just thrown on his back and the haori as well as shinigami uniform have no signs of wrinkles. The man has noticeably sky blue eyes that shimmer with a kind heart as well as much respect for anyone he meets. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu also wears a well trimmed goatee that has little signs of grey hair within the black hair. When you first enter the room Ribinguasukuu Eikingu is there to meet you right away with a smiling face which you will quickly notice something odd about. Around Ribinguasukuu Eikingu's face and neck seems to be small rocks and pebbles that look almost like some sort of infection. The rocks cover the right side of Ribinguasukuu Eikingu's face and circle around his right eye and continue down his neck on both sides. The rocks also continue slightly onto Ribinguasukuu Eikingu's left hand as well. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu sits quietly in the middle of the room at the center of the inner world usually meditating until there is company. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu also greets any visitors with an very happy attitude and a welcoming handshake. Mikon and Ribinguasukuu Eikingu share a very strong relationship and Ribinguasukuu Eikingu is rather protective over her which surprisingly is carried over into the shikai state. When shikai state is activated the rocks completely consume Ribinguasukuu Eikingu and when bankai state is released Ribinguasukuu Eikingu becomes at least ten feet tall in height.

Shikai: Due to Mikon's massive amount of spiritual pressure that she is not able to fully control yet, her zanpakuto is forced by her massive amount of spiritual pressure to always stay in its released state. It is a rather rare thing to find a shinigami with great power that isn't able to seal their zanpakuto which proves Mikon's strength. The shikai state of Ribinguasukuu Eikingu is a rare kind of shiaki to say the most. While it isn't that rare to see a living bankai state it is very rare to see a living shikai stae which Mikon possesses. Mikon' shikai state takes the form of a golem-like humanoid figure that stands at a staggering ten feet tall. The golem-like figure has only one pairs of arms and his height quickly out does even that of the 9th Division Captain Sabaku Binshou. The golem is is clearly made from a brownish colored rock with a few crystals sticking out of his body here and there. The golem is not able to talk but is very protective over Mikon and kind of acts as a bouncer and is always near Mikon. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu's protective nature has grown on quiet a bit to the captains under Mikon's command and they all know not to approach Mikon without asking. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu is treated as a member of the Gotei 13 and even wears a captain's haori that Mikon took the time to fit him for. Ribinguasukuu Eikingu wears the haori thrown on his back instead of slipping it on and is always known to sit beside Mikon in a meditative state during captain's meetings.

Dai Ichiwareme: Gurando Hoga no Shifuto ( 1st Fissure: Shifting Grounds Protection ): The first ability that Mikon's shikai state possesses is quiet simple and is very useful. With Mikon's command she will spike her spiritual pressure and place her hand on the golem's back. She will then combine her spiritual pressure with that of the golem's and focus it into its palms. After the spiritual pressure is successfully focused the golem will place its hands on the ground in front of him. The golem then focuses the massive spiritual pressure into the earth itself. This causes a great shockwave as well as the earth begins to shack violently. The earth will start to crack and continue to shack causing any buildings within a square mile radius with fall and crumble into pieces. THe earth will start to rise in different areas almost as if the earth was blocking off and rising to form a shield. Rectangular sections of the earth will rise in many locations within the mile radius forming what seems to be a maze. This "maze" is actually not what is appears. Mikon usually activates this ability to both confuse the opponent and give her the upper hand. This ability can cause mass confusion on the opponent. This ability can be both used offensively and defensively. Mikon can use this ability to create a solid defense or use it as a form of stealth ability. Mikon and the golem are both able to mix there molecules with the spiritual pressure infused walls of earth and move through them and can "come out" of any wall that they have created. This ability also gives Mikon and the golem basic manipulation over anything made of earth, that includes metal. She can manipulate metal simply because it is just just earth at its purest form.  

Daini Wareme: Datsu Kessho-ka Ken ( 2nd Fissure: Shattering Crystallized Swords ): This is the second ability of Mikon's shikai state. This ability seems quiet simple at first but as the opponent is continuously exposed to it it becomes clear that this ability is quiet dangerous. This ability deals with the crystals logged into the golem's back. Mikon spikes her spiritual pressure and places her hands on the golem's back where there are crystals lodged. She starts to slowly pull two crystals out of its back as her spiritual pressure eats away at them sculpting swords as she pulls. Once the swords are completely pulled out and sculpted, Mikon spikes her spiritual pressure once more but this time focuses it into the two crystal blades she now holds in her hands. The blades of the swords are rugged and quiet sharp. The blades may seem to be used as just a weapon for offense and defense but when you are cut by one of the blades you will find out their true purpose. When you are cut by one of the blades whether it be a small scrap are a huge gash, a crystal-like "rash" so to say will start consuming your body at a slow pace from the cut. Not even the strongest of spiritual pressures can seem to cancel out his ability. This ability can be activated from multiple areas of the body instead of just one area. This is what makes this ability so dangerous. Once completely consumes by the crystal rash Mikon can shatter the body like glass. The lower the spiritual pressure the quicker the infection will spread.

Daisan Wareme: Idaina Akuma Dibaido ( 3rd Fissure: Great Demonic Divide ): This is the third ability of Mikon's shikai. This ability is one of the strongest and most devastating that the shikai possesses. This ability can be devastating to both the ground beneath Mikon and any opponent caught by this massive ability. When Mikon decides to use this ability, which is usually against a large group of opponents, she first spikes her spiritual pressure as she does in all her other abilities. She then commands her golem to spike it spiritual pressure as well. This ability requires the combined spiritual pressure of both Mikon and the golem. Both the golem and Mikon gather distance apart from each other both being in front of each other. This distance can be of any that they wish as long as they are facing each other. They then place their hands on the ground in front of them and spike their spiritual pressure once again. A large crack in the earth then begins to stretch from Mikon to the golem. After the crack is formed the earth begins to split. It creates a massive trench in the earth which engulfs anything that gets in its way. As a follow-up attack Mikon will sometimes add basic earth manipulation to the ability making it as if earth arms come from the trench and grab any opponent they can then pulling them in. Once Mikon has let the opponent or opponents fall in she closes the trench by spiking her spiritual pressure once more.

Daiyon Wareme: Chikyuwai Kohai ( 4th Fissure: The Earth Devastated ): This is final and one of the most useful abilities that the shikai state possesses. The activation of the ability deals with the first ability which means Mikon needs to have already activated the first shikai ability to be able to activate this one. The golem first pierces the earth below him with the crystal claymore but not directly in front of him. This ability is based into two different levels of reach and power. If Mikon wants the golem to use this ability at half power, which is usually against one or two opponents, Mikon spikes her spiritual pressure to a certain amount and gives the golem the signal to use this ability. The golem then carves a half circle into the ground that faces the the desired opponents and places its free hand on the half circle. The half circle then glows with a purple spiritual pressure and the ground starts to slightly shake. The spiritual pressure then bursts out of the half circle and send a wave of the sharp earth, which gains height the further it travels, at the opponent which will crush them if it makes contact. If Mikon were to be surrounded by enemies she would spike her spiritual pressure much more that she did at half power and give the golem the command to carve a full circle in the ground around it. The same process will happen if the ability were at half power but will send the attacks in all directions.

Bankai: Ribinguasukuu Eikingu, Gurando Kirestu ( Quaking Living Earth, The Grand Fissures ) To release her bankai state, which looks not menacing at all until you find out what it can do, Captain-Commander Mikon first spikes her spiritual pressure to a point to the point where you can see her spiritual pressure spilling out of her. She then places her hand on the golem's arm and states "Bankai" with a respectful tone. When she does this one the golem's other arm appears to be a figure forming from it all while the rock is moving up Mikon's arm. The rock-like material moves up her arm and positions itself similar to a way that it covers the zanpakuto's spirit. By the time the stone-like material finishes covering Mikon another golem identical to the original is standing on the opposite side of Mikon. When this is done Mikon steps back and places her hand on the original golem's sword as well as the new golem's back. The original golem's sword is then condensed into a katana with a thick blade as all the crystals in the other golem places themselves in the same way as the other katana. When this is done Mikon spikes her spiritual pressure one more time which spills into both of the golems as well as her new katanas. Captain-Commander Mikon now possesses great offensive as well ass defensive abilities. Mikon's new offensive abilities are both her two new swords as well as the two golems standing in front of her. Her new defensive abilities now come with her rock hard infection-like rock that covers her body as well as the golems which act as great guards. Though the golem's are massive in size and don't appear to be able to move fast at all most opponents are surprised at how fast they can move but mainly on how fast they can move while underground. All abilities from the shikai state are carried over to the bankai state.

Ichigurando Wareme: Ribenji Nimaijita ( 1st Grand Fissure: Duplicity of the Fallen ): This is the first ability that is obtained that is obtained when bankai is released and is also the most dangerous. This ability is limited by the amount of spiritual pressure that Mikon has when bankai is released which is still a large amount if she were to ever release her bankai. Every time one of the golems' limbs are severed from the rest of their body another golem sprouts from the severed limb and a new limb quickly forms back for the golem who's limb was severed. This ability is considered the most hardest to deal with and is one of the reasons that places Mikon as the Captain-Commander of the current Gotei 13. This ability is also limited to certain body parts and the only way the golem will not create another golem is if they are not decapitated but instead their head cut in half. When this happens the golem will die and the spiritual pressure inside of the golem will be transferred back to Mikon to either use to create more golems or help charge spiritual pressure for her bankai's second ability.

Nigurando Wareme: Endo no Mokugekai ( 2nd Grand Fissure: Witnessing of The End ): This ability deals with the stored amount of spiritual pressure in both Mikon and most likely the many golems at this point. Mikon first commands all of the golems to surround the opponent to the point to where they are all able to look at the target. Each golem opens their mouth as a deep purple spiritual pressure forms a sphere in their mouths as Mikon uses her two katanas to point both of the tips at the opponent with a deep purple spiritual pressure forming a sphere on the tips of her katanas as well. When all the spheres are fully charged Mikon leaves one of the golems alone so he can activate Daisan Wareme: Oni-numa to trap the opponent so the ability can make full contact. Once the opponent if trapped Mikon commands all the golems to fire their spheres at the opponent by spiking her spiritual pressure and sending a larger orb at the opponent. This ability is also extremely useful when Mikon is facing many opponents take them all out in one shot if she can. This is the second ability of the bankai state and is also the second reason that gave Mikon the abilities to inherit the position as the Captain-Commander of the current Gotei 13.      

Daigurando Wareme: Diputkyodai no Goremu ( 3rd Grand Fissure: Massive Golem of the Deep Trench ) When Mikon has been pushed to her very most limit she resorts to activating this devastating ability. First Mikon must get the odds turned against her by condensing the golems back into the original two. This ability can have great risk if not used quickly. Mikon then spikes her spiritual a a massive rate as does the golems. The intensity would certainly kill anything under captain-commander level. This is why Mikon must clear the area before usage. The golems release their charged spiritual pressure with one massive burst causing a massive fault in the earth at least two miles in length behind them. The golem's eventually fall in, but this being a part of the ability. The ground begin's to shake violently as a massive golem figure emerges from the fault. The figure stops rising at its waste as it is now a massive golem like the initial two that fell in. The golem moves with Mikon's upper body movements as if it were her puppet. The spiritual pressure inside the monster is massive and is focused as if it were ready to all be let out at once, which is true. Mikon usually uses the first ability of shikai, Dai Ichiwareme: Gurando Hoga no Shifuto, to trap the opponent. She then releases the spiritual pressure in one massive blast at the opponent. The blast is so great and massive that Mikon has to create a blast dome around the battle field that isn't even strong enough to contain it but does slow it down a great amount shielding any allies outside the dome from its full force.
Finally at my Captain-Commander! Anyway this is the 1st Division captain of my Bleach world. Surprise she is very young! I would like comments and critiques. Enjoy!

Mikon Uyauyashii © Me2231

Bleach © Tite Kubo
© 2011 - 2024 EverybodyStepBack
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dechi532's avatar
your captain commander is really cool i think her shikai and bankai abilites